Transparency Certificate Of Excellence Awarded To West Valley Water District

Rialto, CA — Further cementing its commitment to transparency and accountability, the West Valley Water District (WVWD) today announced that it received the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.
“Some efforts are all talk, but the WVWD is walking the walk,” said Board President Channing Hawkins. “This award is a testament to our commitment to open government and evidence of the great strides we’ve been making to restore public confidence.”
David Aranda, SDLF Board President, wrote, “On behalf of the SDLF Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate your district on achieving this important certificate. By completing the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Program, West Valley Water District has proven its dedication to being fully transparent as well as open and assessable to the public can other stakeholders.”
Board Vice President Kyle Crowther stated, “Our Board of Directors have been united in our efforts to increase transparency and incorporate reform measures that protect our ratepayers. I look forward to our board discussing how together we can expand on the progress we have made and continue moving in this direction.”
The SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization that promotes good governance, best practices, and transparency among California’s special districts through recognition, accreditation, and certifications. To date, SDLF has designed and implemented the following programs: Certified Special District Manager (CSDM); Certificate in Special District Governance; District of Distinction Accreditation; and District Transparency Certificate of Excellence.
SDLF created the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence program to promote transparency in the operations and governance of special districts to the public and to provide special districts with an opportunity to showcase their efforts in transparency. There are no fees for the certificate and it is valid for three years. To receive the certification, special districts must meet and complete basic transparency, website and outreach requirements.
This is the first time WVWD has ever received the SLDF transparency award. In addition to the criteria listed above, WVWD met a wide number of transparency standards set by the SLDF, including the completion of ethics training by all board members, conducting open and public meetings and filing financial reports.
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The West Valley Water District has proudly served the communities of Bloomington, Colton, Fontana, Rialto, San Bernardino, and Jurupa Valley since 1952. Through name changes and consolidation, the mission has always remained the same: to provide customers with safe, high quality, and reliable water service at a reasonable rate and in a sustainable manner. The District provides water for 83,000 customers and is overseen by a five-member, publicly-elected Board of Directors.