Water Quality

Water Quality is responsible for ensuring that your water exceeds state and federal standards. From our water sources to your tap, the Water Quality Department consistently monitors the quality of your water by sampling numerous sample points for a variety of tests throughout our entire District each week.

Water quality plays a critical role in our work to provide safe, high-quality water. Our water quality technicians are state and industry certified in water quality procedures and operations. Our water samples are also analyzed by independent, state-certified laboratories to ensure that WVWD water meets state and federal water quality and safety standards.

To learn more about our water quality, read our latest Drinking Water Quality Report at wvwd.org/transparency. For additional information about environmental standards and potential contaminants, please review our latest  Public Health Goals Report and for details on the frequency of our water testing, please review our Water Analysis Schedule.


While WVWD and authorized staff carry out regular hydrant and water flushing operations to remove contaminants, building owners are responsible for flushing their water systems after extended periods of disuse. The flushing process involves opening taps and running water to remove water that is sitting in interior pipes or outlets. Pipe flushing frequency can vary according to your plumbing outlet type and configuration. To minimize potential health risk associated with water quality and building inactivity, we highly recommend that building owners follow the below steps outlined by the EPA and CDC

Before Flushing:
  1. Contact WVWD about local water quality and to coordinate maintenance activities.
  2. Check information from your local public health department for any local requirements for reopening.
  3. Follow appropriate regulations and policies for worker safety and health.
Steps for flushing buildings
  1. Review how water moves through your building, from the street to each point of use.
  2. Inspect the plumbing.
  3. Maintain any water treatment systems (e.g. filters, water softeners) according to manufacturer instructions.
  4. Ensure the hot water system is operating as specified.
  5. Flush the service line that runs from the water main to the building.
  6. Flush the cold water lines.
  7. Drain and clean water storage facilities and hot water heaters.
  8. Flush the hot water lines.
  9. Flush, clean and maintain devices connected to the plumbing system according to manufacturer instructions.
Other actions to consider
  1. Notify your building occupants of the status of the water systems and the flushing program.
  2. Limit access or use of the water as an appropriate cautionary phase.
  3. Determine if proactive disinfection/heat treatment is necessary.
  4. Develop a water management program.

For more information on flushing, please visit our Flushing Program page. 

Entrained Air

Some of the most common calls to our customer service department are regarding cloudy water. During the summer months, this water typically clears up after a few seconds of sitting. This harmless condition is known as “entrained air” and is the result of a high demand for water that prevents air from having the time to dissipate before exiting your faucet. If you think you are experiencing entrained air, try rinsing out a clear glass twice and then filling it with cold tap water. After a few seconds, the water should begin to clear from the bottom of the glass to the top as the bubbles rise to the surface. If your water remains “cloudy” after five minutes, please contact our customer service department immediately. For more helpful tips and information on our water safety and quality, please read our annual Water Quality Report in our transparency portal at www.wvwd.org/waterquality.


If you have any concerns about the quality of your water, please contact our customer service department at 909-875-1804


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