External Resources

Use the links below to access external resources. Note: Access to some of these systems may be limited to certain staff.

Benefits Management

Ease Benefits Portal

The District’s full-time employees can use the portal to:

  • Enroll for benefits coverage
  • Compare plans and cost, per pay period
  • Add/update dependents
  • Designate plan beneficiaries
  • Access plan information at any time from anywhere using the mobile app

Ease Benefits Portal

Ethics and Compliance


One of our most important roles is to create the best possible work environment for everyone in our District. We want to be considered a great place to work, with employees who are proud to work here, feel good about their jobs and are highly productive.

Each one of us, regardless of our position, shares the responsibility for creating a positive environment. One way you can help is by bringing forward your concerns, questions and suggestions to your manager. For times when you don’t feel comfortable using that method, we have also launched NAVEX, a phone and web-based reporting system that is managed by an outside company. Think of it as another way to communicate your concerns confidentially and anonymously. So, you can do your part to build communication and promote safety, security, and ethical behavior.

How does the system work?

You make a report with an independent firm called NAVEX. NAVEX will assign it to the appropriate person and follow up to make sure it’s being addressed.

What is it for?

Use the system to express concerns, ask questions and offer ideas. Whatever you need it for! Tell us what we’re doing right and what we need to work on. If you’d prefer, you can also remain anonymous!

Who should use it?

Everyone. It’s for all employees, regardless of location or position.

How do I access it?

Call 1-833-226-3287 or go to wvwd.ethicspoint.com and select “Make a Report”.

Cybersecurity Training


The District uses KnowBe4 to provide cybersecurity awareness training.


WVWD Support Ticketing

Internal District support tickets can be opened for:

Information Technology

Facility Services

Grants and Funding

Federal Grants Portal

Federal System for Awards Management Portal

Federal Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) Portal

FEMA Grants Portal


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Agenda Management

Agenda Link

The District uses Agenda Link to prepare Board and Committee meeting agendas and packets.

Prepare staffs report and agendas

View meetings and agendas

Sensus Meter Reading

Sensus Analytics

The District uses Sensus Analytics to manage customer meter reads.

Log into Sensus Analytics

Sensus RNI

The District uses Sensus RNI to manage the AMI communications network.

Log into Sensus RNI (To be updated)



The District uses ArcGIS for a variety of field applications.

Log into ArcGIS

Tyler ERP Pro

Tyler ERP Pro 10

The District uses ERP Pro 10 for a variety of functions, such as Accounting, Payroll, Purchasing, and Utility Billing.

Time and Leave Request Entry

ERP Pro Dashboard

Tyler Tech Support and Tyler University

Bomgar Support Sessions (Allows Tyler Support to connect to your pc. You must have a session key, which they will provide).

Microsoft Office 365

Access your email and other Microsoft applications here.

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Additional External Resources

If you have any suggestions for additional external links that would be of benefit, please contact any member of the Public Outreach and Government Affairs team, or the IT team.

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