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Suspendisse volutpat convallis odio, vitae consectetur mauris rutrum eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer orci nulla, imperdiet at eros ac, mattis vestibulum dolor. Pellentesque sed odio at felis consequat feugiat. Sed dapibus purus id ligula sodales, vulputate tempus mauris cursus. Vivamus eu est sed nisl faucibus pulvinar sed mattis arcu. Suspendisse tellus dui, pulvinar eu finibus sagittis, laoreet vitae lacus. Sed eget pretium est. In a hendrerit magna.
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Why we made Milanote
If you ask someone to imagine a piece of creative work they’ll tell you about a beautiful design or a perfect final manuscript. They’ll tell you about something finished.
But behind every great piece of work is a lot of research, thinking and planning that is often messy, unstructured and takes time to evolve.