Project Updates

Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition Community Funding Program for Bloomington Alleyway Waterline Replacement Project Phase 3B  

On March 25, 2022, Congresswoman Norma J. Torres presented West Valley Water District(WVWD) with $2,000,000 in federal funds to be allocated to the Bloomington Alleyway Project. Additionally, as a recipient of the Community Funding Projects for Fiscal Year 2022, WVWD received the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition. The Community Funding Projects target federal funding towards projects and programs in the congressional districts that will address the most significant needs facing the community. The $2,000,000 will fund the construction of Bloomington Alleyway Waterline Replacement Project Phase 3B which includes the installation of approximately 6,209 lineal feet of 8-inch, 800 lineal feet of 12-inch, and 25 lineal feet of 24-inch cement lined and mortar coated (cml&c) fully welded steel pipe constructed within the street right of way of 7th Street, 9th Street, Mapel Avenue, Linden Avenue, and Cedar Avenue. Relocation of approximately 130 services from the backyard alleyways to the front of the property and approximately fourteen (14) new fire hydrants within street right of way.  

Photo of Bloomington Alleyway Phase Map


I-10 Cedar Avenue Interchange Improvements in Bloomington 

The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) is currently in the process of widening the Cedar Avenue Overcrossing Bridge, UPRR/Cedar Avenue Overhead Bridge, Cedar Avenue, and modifying the existing entrance and exit ramps to improve the turning maneuverability and vehicle storage capacity. The work limits will be on Cedar Avenue between Bloomington Avenue and Orange Street.

In conjunction with this project, WVWD has designed 12-inch transmission and 8-inch distribution pipelines that will be constructed as part of this project.  Due to the size of the bridge and roadway improvements and the construction sequencing, the pipeline portion of the project has been separated into three phases.  Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be funded by SBCTA and Phase 3 will be funded by WVWD.   Project is expected to be completed by 2025. 

Map of I-10 Cedar Ave. Interchange Improvement Project

Energy Storage Battery System

The California Public Utilities Commission recently created a category in their Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) called Equity Resiliency that incentivizes batteries for specified customers.  The WVWD Board of Directors approved an agreement for the installation of Energy Storage Battery Systems at four (4) of WVWD’s facilities.  Four (4) WVWD facilities - Pump Station 3A-1, Pump Station 4-1, Pump Station 7-1, and Well 8A - meet the criteria and qualify for the Energy Storage Battery System.  Through the SGIP Equity Resiliency, there will be no purchase or installation cost to WVWD for the Energy Storage Battery System.  These four Energy Storage Systems include batteries valued at $4,989,242.  The WVWD will receive ownership of the equipment upon installation. This project is currently underway and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. 


Photos of Energy Storage Battery Systems

Lord Ranch Facilities 

The Lord Ranch Site (“Site”) is located on the east side of Pepper Avenue north of Baseline Road and south of State Route 210, in the City of Rialto, and is currently occupied by existing pump station 4-1, 3-2 Reservoir, and groundwater wells 7, 8A, and 36.
West Valley Water District (WVWD) proposes to construct several projects at the site which would allow WVWD to utilize additional capacity through the Base Line Feeder (“BLF”) transmission pipeline, the source of which is purchased groundwater from the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Water supplied through the BLF is boosted into the WVWD’s northern service area.  The proposed infrastructure projects include the construction and operation of a 1-million gallon aeration tank R3-5, a booster pump station 4-3 within a concrete masonry building, pipelines connecting the proposed tank and pump station to existing facilities, and site grading and drainage improvements.  Construction is expected to begin mid 2024.

Satellite Map of Lord Ranch Site


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