Dan Jenkins

WVWD Board Vice President Dan Jenkins

Vice President

Term: 2022-2026

Vice President Dan Jenkins joined the West Valley Water District (WVWD) Board of Directors in July 2022. He represents Division 2, which includes the Cities of Rialto and Bloomington, as well as unincorporated areas of San Bernardino County.

Jenkins’ unwavering passion for his community is evident through his long history of volunteering for several local government and nonprofit organizations. Today, Jenkins serves on the Citizens on Patrol (COP) program for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, which allows well-trained and qualified community members to help the sheriff’s department meet its public safety objectives. Prior to the patrol program, Jenkins served as a volunteer for the Long-Term Care San Bernardino County Ombudsman Program, which utilizes trained and certified volunteers to monitor and respond to complaints for residents living in long-term care facilities.

As a healthcare professional, Jenkins truly understands the value and efficiency that better technology provides for organizations. As a board director, he uses this experience and insight to help improve technologies that will better serve WVWD ratepayers.

Current Committee Assignments:

  • Executive Committee
  • Engineering, Operations, and Planning
  • Finance Committee
  • Safety and Technology 

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