Resources for Teachers

Classroom Presentation/Field Trip Presentations

WVWD will conduct a water-related activity/field trips tailored to the requested grade level or field. Must allow 3-5 weeks for scheduling and planning. Call 909.875.1804 or email to request a visit or tour. 


EduBucks Program

The 2024-2025 EduBucks program is open for submissions.

The deadline to submit is Friday, November 1, 2024, by 11:59 P.M.

All Kindergarten through 12th grade educators at schools in the WEWAC service area are eligible to participate in the program. Teachers may apply regardless of the discipline or subject areas taught. Teachers may apply individually or as a group; however, the project must involve water education to be eligible.

Project Summary

All projects must be completed by the close of the academic year. WEWAC requires a project summary describing the success of your project, a final budget expense report, and an in-classroom presentation to be attended by WEWAC members.

The mission of the Water Education Water Awareness Committee is to promote the efficient use of water and to increase the public awareness of the importance of water in Southern California.

To learn more, visit: Edubucks Program

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