Annual Water Quality Report


It is our mission to provide customers with safe, high quality and reliable water at a reasonable rate and in a sustainable manner. This year, we are proud to report that tests demonstrate that our water exceeds all regulatory quality standards.



In line with our commitment to provide greater transparency and accountability, West Valley Water District (WVWD) produces the Drinking Water Quality Report (formerly known as the Consumer Confidence Report) to help customers understand where their water comes from and how we treat it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State of California Division of Drinking Water mandate this annual report to ensure customers like you can access and understand important information about your water. Projects detailed within the report ensure that we meet or exceed state water quality regulations and meet the demands of our growing region.

If you would like a printed copy or have any questions regarding the report,
please contact our Water Quality team at (909) 875-1804.


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