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Elvia Dominguez, Board Secretary (909) 875-1804

West Valley Water District Division 4 Vacancy

West Valley Water District Division 4 Vacancy


The West Valley Water District Board of Directors is Accepting Applications from District 4 to Fill One Vacancy on the Board of Directors for term expiring December 2024.

The Board of Directors invite interested residents living within District 4 to complete an application for one (1) vacancy on the Board of Directors.

The appointment to fill the vacancy is for the remainder of the District 4 four-year term. The term will expire in December 2024. Applicants must be 18 years of age, reside within the District No. 4 boundaries of the West Valley Water District service area, and be registered to vote at the time the application is submitted.

The application period will open beginning August 22, 2024, and applications will be available in the Office of the Board Secretary.

The deadline for filing the application is September 6, 2024, by 5:00 p.m., in the Board Secretary’s Office located at 855 W. Baseline Road, in Rialto. Applicants will be interviewed at the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

For more information regarding the appointment process, please contact the Board Secretary at (909) 820-3703 or email to

Appointment Process to Fill Vacant Council Seat Timeline

1.On August 22, 2024, applications will be available on the District's website and at West Valley Water District.

2.Completed applications must be received by 5:00 pm on September 6, 2024. Applications may be submitted in person, by mail, and by email at

3. Applications will be provided to the Board for review and interviews will be conducted at its Regular Meeting scheduled September 19, 2024. At this meeting, the selection to fill the vacancy will be made and the appointee will take the Oath of Office.

Download Application and email submitted form to

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