How do I report a leak?

If you suspect a leak in the West Valley Water District system, please contact our office immediately at (909) 875-1804, 24 hours a day.

Do you have a program for low income customers?

Because your bill is already based on the amount of water you use, we recommend that you use this website to learn about methods to conserve water. Using less water will lower your monthly water bill.

How can I avoid paying a deposit on my new account?

Submit a letter of good credit from a former water purveyor and one other utility showing 12 months of on-time payments to the following address: 855 W. Base Line P.O. Box 920 Rialto, CA 92377.

Can I have my water turned on the same day?

Yes, there is a $25 charge for a same-day turn-on before 4:00 pm. After 4:00 pm there is $150 charge. Call (909) 875-1804 to schedule service.

How can I get my current balance?

You can call the automated phone system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (909) 875-1804. Press “2” to get account information. You will need your account number (which can be found on your bill).

How Do I Request a Fire Flow Test?

A request for testing of a non-certified fire flow shall have a charge of $150 per test. You can submit your request by mail to the address below with ‘Attention Engineering Department’ on the envelope. With your request please include the address of the property to be tested and cross streets. Also, let us know how and where you want your results submitted back to you. You can also submit your request in person at the Engineering Department at: 855 W. Base Lin e Rd. Rialto, CA 92377.

How Do I Request a Will Serve Letter?

You can request a will serve letter free of charge by submitting a completed application and required documentation. Please submit applications in person at District headquarters (855 W. Baseline Rd. Rialto, CA 92376) or via email to engineering@wvwd.org.

Requested information:

  • Site Plan showing project location
  • Address/APN for project site
  • Requesting agency's information
Why does my water look milky/cloudy?

If your tap water appears white, cloudy, hazy, or has a slightly “milky” appearance, you are probably experiencing a condition known as “entrained air.” This condition is harmless and is almost always caused by air in the water. One of the many properties of water is its ability to dissolve gases – including air. Sometimes the air comes back out of the water in the form of many tiny bubbles, giving the water a “milky” appearance. If your tap water is “milky” and you want to confirm whether or not you are experiencing entrained air, rinse out a clear glass twice and then fill it with cold tap water. After a few moments, the water should begin to clear from the bottom of the glass to the top as the bubbles rise to the surface. This is a completely natural occurrence and is harmless. If your water does not clear after 5 minutes, please call our office and we will be happy to assist you. For questions about your water, do not hesitate to contact Customer Service at (909) 875-1804. The Water Quality Supervisor is also available at (909) 875-1804, ext. 371.

Why is the water so hard?

Unfortunately, Southern California has hard water. We do not soften the water at this time as it is very costly, the brine waste from treatment is hard to dispose of, and the softening process makes the finished water high in salts – which can be harmful to customers with low sodium diet restrictions. Soft water is also very corrosive to our system and can cause damage to infrastructure and internal plumbing.

If you have any other questions about your water quality, our Consumer Confidence Report can be found online at www.wvwd.org/waterquality or the Water Quality Supervisor directly at (909) 875-1804 ext 371.


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